Friday, November 23, 2007

I am back after a long hiatus. Its wierd how sometimes I think of something to blog abt, and when I'm at the create post page, I can't squeeze a single word out.

Oh wells. my life is reverting back to peacefulness. No outings everyday, no phonecalls in and out by horrible brainless guys and no stalkers. I have come full circle, I must say. Its good to be a recluse I realised. Less friends, less trouble which also means less fun.

I have approximately one more month of 'free-dom' before work starts piling its load on me. Better remind myself everyday to cherish the time and not waste it all away.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I swear the computer in SAA is loony. I don't know how the hell I could have passed the bloody thing. The first few questions were questions I've never seen in my life. the subsequent questions weren't any better either.Those when you cannot ascertain that you've gotten the answers correct.

conclusion: computer is loony.
my girlfriends know I love them. so therefore the reduncy of the tribute.

actually..I'm just lazy.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

I have an extremely bad case of 'day-dreaming' while studying. I always like to think that the brain is a very powerful tool. But I would also like to add that it may also be dangerous. The brain follows no orders. It wanders wherever it wants to, even when you tell it to stop. It may listen to your commands sometimes, but only for a fraction of a milli-second. That makes the brains dangerous.

While studying, 'the brain' went into zoning out mode. Guess where it landed? It stayed for a long while at the 'yuanyuan' memory. Then it moved on to Johanan. Then to the comparison of both of them, and then it led to this post. Which is supposed to be a tribute to some very significant individuals who helped me grow up. Its quite a sudden and random idea. But seeing that the end of the year has inevitably showed its bum, I might as well take the chance to write some tributes.

Yuanyuan first. I can never stop thinking of you. You're such an asshole. But you really taught me the definition of an asshole. I learnt that you represent only the minimum requirement of assholes. because I believe that there would definitely be people who are much worse than you. I've heard many stories of even bigger assholes. Not that I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. I don't care if you change or not. I like you for who you are. asshole or not.

Johanan. Its been awhile since we talked. But he never fails to provide me with many interesting intellectual insights to the various aspects of life. What the heck. Life IS mind boggling. If not for some of the overwhelmingly happy events which happened in MY life, I would just give up on life already. Thanks to Jo, he puts my life back into perspective. I just seriously love intellectual guys. You learn so much more from them than you can ever learn during any girls' night out. I feel ashamed for saying this. But I really do like girls' night out too. But I like intellectual debates with smart guys as much. no offence.

my brains contemplated comparing them. but i'll just scratch that out totally, cuz you can't compare asshole with gentleman. cuz the asshole will lose big time.

Maurice. My musically inclined, but interestingly eccentric friend. I cnnot begin to tell you how wierd this friend is. But he's still a very good pal. Like Jo, he's intellectual too. albeit, in a different way. He shuns conventions like nobody's business. God bless him. He found a friend like me who so totally finds his insights refreshing but....wierd. He taught me many things too. Especially in terms of the classical music world. I admit I'm quite a lazy person when it comes to research.But thank goodness. He's there to spoonfeed me with little bite sized information when I need it. It has ever occured to me before that I might just be making use of him. Well, to some extent, yes. But I still like him as a friend. enough said. anymore will just come off as being defensive.

I have a couple more I would like to mention. But I shall leave it for another time cuz now's the time to HIT THE BOOKS! those mentioned above happen to be guys. sorry gals. wait for the other post!

I would like to add that, very seldom do I meet intellectual girls with the same wavelength as moi. Except for my best friend of course. don't be offended though if you happen to be a die-hard feminist. I just happen to know more guys than girls. 'you can put the blame on me'