Monday, March 24, 2008

Flipped through street fashion blogs and rediscovered my passion for weird and unconventional dressing.It is amazing how people from various countries across the globes (namely those which has four seasons) dress up so differently and interestingly, and yet not look too crinch-worthy. One may think 'oh my god! what is that! but you knw what? it works on him/her!' It is a comment that I long to plant on people's heads whenever I dress weird or different. I have never been one to follow trends. I wear whatever I feel like wearing. I frown when I see people on the streets trying to covert this season's trends avidly. Well, if the look works well on them, then all is good and well. But sometimes things go awry. I admit I do make fashion mistakes at times, overwhelming my frame with many pieces of cloths and not having a focal point. can only get better when you're real bad.

The shopping bug hits again. But this time $$$$$ is short. Far east is making me vomit. Perhaps I should try salvation army for things to mix and match with. I 'm hopping I might pick up a few strange but wearable pieces.