Thursday, May 8, 2008

We're still argueing on two parellel lines. Always. You never did get anything.

I was never angry at you for the 'wrong' advices you gave me. They weren't wrong. I still don't think they were wrong. You were always my alter-ego, reaffirming me on what I already planned to do, but was hesitant on doing. I never blamed you for any negative outcomes.

I'm too lazy to try and construct an entry counter reacting to yours.
Because we're argueing on two different wavelengths. I don't have the patience to straighten out my thoughts.

We're just two very different people who express our affections very differently. Seeing as such, I don't see how we can work out anymore.

I will have you know that I love all my friends very much. and I will always stick up for my friends. as long as i knw that they deserve it. I don't stick up for anyone just because I wish for them to also do the same for me when circumstance requires it. I never ever think twice when I do anything for any of my friends. whether financially or otherwise.