Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I don't know what to think anymore. So I give up. Speaking of giving up. There's alot of things that I've been tempted to give up on recently. As I was studying last night, I was strugging with the dreaded tax, so much so that I had a strong desire just to get married, bear a few kids and be a housewife for the rest of my life. I know different professions would bring with them different kinds of stress and difficulties, housewife included. But I would really rather be taking care of kids than study. Pardon me. that's the lazy me talking.

Yes. Song is right. The same thing is indeed happening. The appearance of another Yuanyuan. but in a less sinister form. I'm not gonna be bothered by it. because I need to study.

He called me 'sister'. wad the fuck.