Sunday, January 20, 2008

It is easy to just love unconditionally and to have no strings attached. But in a relationship, Aileen smarty pants discovered that LOVE is not enough. How about TRUST? Is trust enough? or are both LOVE and TRUST enough? Well, the answer is : NOT ENOUGH.

I believe we've all watched korean dramas which thrives on scripts with rich female/male lead falling in love with poor/dysfunction female/male lead. and how they overcome all odds to be together. They almost always get together in the end. Well, I don't think real life works that way. It is certainly not enough to just love the other party unconditionally. when two people are together, alot of factors come to play. compatibility is one issue. family background is another. individual values is also yet another. I've confirmed my deepest fear. I have one leg into the water already. the other leg is going in soon. Des, the motherly figure warns me of the tough times ahead. She tells me many things. I then subsequently realised that both Des and I are in the same boat. I've never thought of us being similar at all. I pride myself on my abiliy to self-control. She's a different story altogether. yet we share the same story when it comes to our other half. My head hurts everytime i try to think of a remedy to the situation looming ahead.